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Zeolite Is Without Question The Mineral Of The 21st Century And Why Zeolite Pure Is The Best Detox to Remove Toxic Heavy Metals Safely From The Body!

Here Is Some Very Interesting History About The Many Uses Of The Mineral Called Clinoptilolite Zeolite!

Zeolite for detoxing removes toxic heavy metals safely out of the body! The best zeolite heavy metal detox supplement is over 25 years proven Zeolite Pure.

Zeolite also used for absorbing heavy metals and other toxins toxins from water and from the indoor air environment! Zeolite also has many industrial, medical, agricultural and other important uses.

The mineral clinoptilolite zeolite is truly a major benefit for humanity and new uses are continually being discovered! People in the the zeolite detox and many other industries feel that this is solid proof that zeolite really Is the mineral of the century!

How Natural Zeolite Is Formed And How It Works To Improve Products For Many Different Industries

Zeolites are formed from volcanic minerals that have been altered by salt water millions of years ago! Clinoptilolite zeolite is the type used for detoxing toxic heavy metals out of the body.

Zeolite for detoxing to remove heavy metal toxins has a cage like honeycomb structure with a natural negative ionic charge. This provides the zeolite with the unique ability to grab, bind to, contain and remove positive charged heavy metals! It can actually pull the heavy metals into the cages of the zeolite like a magnet!

In recent years zeolite minerals are being utilized for industrial use as a catalyst and an absorbent to combine chemicals! This allows chemical engineers to create new chemical reactions to formulate different types of chemicals! It is for this reason that zeolites are now used in the petrochemical, detergent, industrial, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical detox industries.

There are many types of zeolites both natural and now man made! However natural Clinoptilolite zeolite is the only type of zeolite mineral that is proven environmentally safe and for human consumption!

Here Is Some Zeolite Usage History

Clinoptilolite zeolite is not just used to remove toxic chemicals and heavy metal toxins out of the air, water and from the body! Clinoptilolite zeolite also has the ability to extend the life of food in storage areas. This is to keep food fresh longer by preventing it from breaking down as it ages.

These food preserving benefits have actually been discovered for its ability to absorb ethylene gas and odors in caves! Cave dwellings have been discovered with piles of food that were full of clinoptilolite zeolite! It was determined that during prehistoric times cave dwellers used the zeolite in their caves! They did this to preserve and extend the life of food items! This is why the discovered food that included meat, fruits and vegetables were gathered and stored for future meals!

The ancient Mayan civilization used large amounts of Clinoptilolite zeolite minerals in their reservoir water storage areas! The zeolite was used to absorb heavy metals and other contaminants to keep drinking water safe for thousands of people!

This same Clinoptilolite zeolite is still being used worldwide in municipal and home water filtration systems! It is used to absorb and remove ammonia, chemical VOCs and toxic heavy metals! After all these years zeolite is still being used to keep water safe for drinking.

Where The Toxic Heavy Metals Are Coming From To Contaminate Our Body’s And To Cause Illness And Disease

It is urgently important to know that we are being exposed to and contaminated with toxic heavy metals! We are exposed to additional heavy metal toxins every day of our lives! Many of the toxic heavy metals are used in pesticides and herbicides (Roundup) to kill insects and destroy weeds!

They are applied around and on the fruits, vegetables and grains that we eat! These same heavy metal toxins are also in animal feed products for chickens, beef, pork and other meat products! The truth is that toxic heavy metals make it into many food items we routinely consume.

We are also being exposed to toxic heavy metals in our homes, from our gardens and in the workplace! These toxins are in the pesticides, weed killers, paints, solvents and building materials being used throughout our lives.

Zeolite Pure Is Much Better At Removing Toxic Heavy Metals Compared To The Liver And Kidneys

Many people think that our bodies will filter out and remove the heavy metal toxins from the body! The truth is that the liver and kidneys do a horrible job to filter and remove heavy metal toxins. It is for this reason the heavy metal toxins are accumulative in the body during our entire lives.

When the heavy metal toxins reach a high enough level they will compromise the immune system to cause damage! This damage often creates chronic disease to the body’s organs!

Why Zeolite Pure Is The Best Heavy Metal Detox And How It Works To Remove These Toxins

The absolute best way to detox the body is to remove the damaging toxic heavy metals. These include heavy metal radioactive isotopes if a nuclear event or accident occurs. The best detox for all toxic heavy metals is over 25 years proven 100% natural Zeolite Pure.

Zeolite Pure is formulated from Clinoptilolite zeolite in powder form that has been further micronized. This process reduces the zeolite to be specifically between 0-40 microns of size. The Zeolite Pure now is able to travel throughout the bloodstream, into the bodies organs. This includes the gut where the immune system is located to guide proper organ functions!

The micronized negative charged Zeolite Pure with attached toxic heavy metals will first travel into the gut. It will then move into the bloodstream and throughout the entire body while picking up additional positive charged heavy metals. The Zeolite Pure and the toxic heavy metals then exit together out of the body through the urine and feces!

People Do Not Feel Sick When Detoxing With Zeolite Pure

It is important to know that there are no side effects to make people feel ill when detoxing with Zeolite Pure and it is easy to get into the body. Just mix in the proper amount of Zeolite Pure into a glass of water, juice or into your favorite smoothie and drink it down.

As the toxic heavy metals are removed out of the body, the immune system can then increase in strength! It will then be able to carry out its mission to destroy bad blood cells, bacteria and opportunistic viruses!

As with any type of detox, drink plenty of extra water to keep the heavy metal toxins flushing out of the body!

There Is A Bonus When Detoxing With Zeolite Pure—The bonus is that Zeolite Pure will also work to balance the pH of the body! If the body is to acidic, the zeolite will make it more alkaline! It is a documented fact that an alkaline body tends to be much healthier then an acidic body.

For More Information About Detoxing With Zeolite Pure Or To Make A Purchase See The Website At  Or Call The Office Main Phone Number At 1-561-629-5618

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