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The Truth About Liquid Zeolite Scams Pushed By Multilevel Marketing Companies And Why Zeolite Pure Is The Best Heavy Metal Detox Product

Liquid zeolite detox products are scams! First off It is urgent to know that zeolite is a volcanic mineral that is not water soluble! In other words ZEOLITE DOES NOT DISSOLVE IN WATER! This is because liquid zeolite products are manufactured by mixing a very small (PINCH) amount of zeolite powder into a small plastic squeeze or spray bottle of sterilized water! Why All Liquid Zeolite Products Are Misleading Scams

Almost all liquid zeolite products are produced by MLM multi level marketing companies! Their Main Goal Is To Make Huge Profits By Soliciting As Many People As Possible Into Purchasing These Liquid Zeolite Products With All Kinds Of Far Fetched Outrageous Health Claims!

All MLM companies are in business to make huge profits selling products that have tremendous profit margins! Most of the profits go to the people at the top that operate these MLM’s! Liquid zeolite products sell for approximately $30.00 to $80.00 for a single small 1 ounce or less plastic squeeze bottle! The shame is that these little bottles contain almost all water and very little pinch of zeolite powder!

If to much zeolite powder is added into into these small squeeze bottles the zeolite powder would jam up the bottles pour spout! This will without question prevent the liquid from exiting the bottle! The honest truth is that even if they gave these bottles of liquid zeolite away for free, the people trying to detox their body would only get very little zeolite! They would also receive almost zero health benefit when trying to do a heavy metal detox with liquid zeolite!

Why Zeolite Pure In Micronized Powder Is The Best Heavy Metal Detox Product And Far Superior To All Liquid Zeolite Products

Zeolite Pure is made from a 100% natural volcanic mineral called Clinoptilolite zeolite. It has a cage like structure that has a natural negative ionic charge that actually attracts the positive charged heavy metals into the cages of the zeolite. The heavy metals are then held tight into the cages like a magnet as they travel throughout the body! During this trip the Zeolite Pure continues to pick up additional heavy metal toxins.

Zeolite Pure micronized powder has helped thousands of people detox to safely remove the toxic heavy metals from their bodies. It has been successfully detoxing our many customers for over 25 years now. It is specifically formulated to be from 0-to 40 microns of size.

This is so the smaller microns of Zeolite Pure is able to detox the full body through both the bloodstream and into the organs. The larger microns of Zeolite Pure are formulated to travel into the gut where the immune system is located. After traveling throughout the entire body, the Zeolite Pure with attached heavy metals will exit through the urine and stool.

This great detox product is easy to take and it has no taste! Just mix the correct amount of Zeolite Pure powder into a glass of water, juice or smoothie. Stir and drink it down!

Zeolite Pure Will Balance The Body’s pH To Be More On The Healthy Alkaline Side

BONUS: It also has the special added ability to help balance the pH of the body! Most people’s bodies are far to acidic and Zeolite Pure will help make the body more alkaline! It is a fact that an alkaline body tends to be a healthier body!

We Hope That You Now Know Why All Liquid Zeolite Products Are A Scam! Zeolite Pure Is Absolutely The Best Choice To Safely And Properly Remove Toxic Heavy Metals From The Body!

For More Information On Zeolite Pure Heavy Metal Detox See The Website At Or Call The Office Direct Phone Line At 1-561-629-5618

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