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The Older We Get The More Important It Is To Do A Heavy Metal Detox With Zeolite Pure

The older we become the higher the concentration of toxic heavy metals will be in our bodies. This will affect our bodies and reduce the immune system in many ways that can cause chronic health problems. For older people a weakened immune system can often be the cause of life threatening diseases.

Important Note: Children and people exposed to toxic heavy metals on the job can also be affected by toxic heavy metals. These exposures can cause the exact same health problems as older people if they experience concentrated heavy metal exposures! However It’s simply a fact that older people are more prone to failing health! This is often due to many years of immune system destroying toxic heavy metal exposures!

Where The Accumulative Toxic Heavy Metal Exposures Are Coming From

We are routinely exposed to toxic heavy metals from the food we eat! Especially from poorly washed fruits and vegetables! All meat products that include beef, pork, chicken, lamb and others contain amounts of heavy metals. This is because it’s in the feed that they eat everyday

Anything that comes from a farm is almost always contaminated with toxic heavy metals! This is due to the spraying of pesticides and herbicides to kill invasive bugs and weeds!

Glyphosate (Roundup) that contains arsenic a very toxic heavy metal is sprayed directly onto our fruits, vegetables and grains. It’s used to kill weeds! Farms and homeowners apply millions of pounds of this poison to our crops, gardens and properties each and every year!

Everyday toxic heavy metal exposures come from chemicals in the air we breathe and from poorly filtered water we drink! This is due to the industrial contamination of our streams, rivers, lakes and oceans! This also contaminates the fish and the seafood we eat!

Other common toxic heavy metal exposures come from building materials, medications, and the products we purchase and use every day! Especially from many of the products that are manufactured in China!

Comparing Detox Products To Remove Toxic Heavy Metals Out Of The Body

There are a few different ways to detox the body to remove the toxic heavy metals. During and after the detox the body’s organs and immune system can then boost up to grow stronger!

The first way is with a man made pharmaceutical chelation therapy chemical called EDTA otherwise known as (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid). EDTA is administered into the body by IV. It causes heavy metals to bind into this EDTA chemical before it is flushed out of the body through the urine.

EDTA does work, however it can be very dangerous because it can cause bad side effects! If EDTA is not dosed properly it can include seizures, low blood sugar, irregular heartbeat and organ damage!

Because of the danger involved, blood work and kidney function tests must be done throughout and after a EDTA detox. This is to help look for and to possibly prevent kidney damage. We feel that this is not always a good choice for heavy metal detoxing.

The second type of detox to remove toxic heavy metals out of the body is with plant based products. These include, spirulina, chlorella, seaweed, cilantro, and a few others. Plant based detox products do help the body release a portion of heavy metals out of the body.

However the toxic heavy metals do not bind well to plant based detox products! This can cause the body to reabsorb amounts of heavy metal toxins before they are able to totally exit out. This can cause what is called a Herxheimer reaction that can make people feel sick.

The Best Heavy Metal Detox Product Is 100% Natural Zeolite Pure Micronized Powder

Zeolite Pure is made from a 100 percent natural volcanic mineral called Clinoptilolite zeolite. The zeolite is made into a fine powder. It is then further processed to be made smaller by micronizing it to be between 0-40 microns of size.

Zeolite Pure is tasteless and it is made to be taken orally! This is done by mixing it into water, juice or into your favorite smoothie to then detox the body.

Zeolite Pure will first enter into the gut to detox the immune system. The toxic heavy metals are attracted to and will bind into the cage like structure of the Zeolite Pure like a magnet.

The heavy metal toxins bind tight to the cages of the zeolite as they continue to travel throughout the body! They flow together into the body’s organs collecting additional heavy metals. The zeolite with attached heavy metal toxins then safely exit out of the body through the urine and stools.

Zeolite Pure has been on the market for over 25 years helping many thousands of people do this detox. It is extremely effective, safe and without side effects. 

If you are getting up in age it would be a good choice to do a proper heavy metal detox! Boost up your immune system for increased health and wellness with Zeolite Pure!

NOTE: Always drink plenty of water and fluids when doing this or any detox to keep the toxins flushing out of the body!

For More Information On Zeolite Pure Heavy Metal Detox Or To Purchase See The Website At or Call The Office Direct Line At 561-629-5618.

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