Toxic heavy metals are poisoning our environment and our bodies at an unbelievable rate! This is because most people have absolutely no concept of how bad and dangerous heavy metal contamination actually is and how it is negatively affecting the immune system and organs in our bodies! It’s no wonder why so many diseases are now on the rise to destroy our quality of life, our body’s and the longevity of our lives!
This is because toxic heavy metals are accumulative in our bodies throughout our entire lives! It starts when very young babies are immunized. As our children grow into adults they are routinely bombarded with ongoing direct exposures of toxic heavy metals that are in the pesticides, herbicides and fungicides that are routeinly sprayed on the fruit, vegetable and grain products we eat. The beef, pork, poultry and fish we put into our bodies are also contaminated with toxic heavy metals from the food and diet that they eat throughout their lives. The older animals and fish we eat are even more contaminated due to the larger amount of heavy metals that have accumulated throughout their longer lifespans.
Contaminations are also coming from heavy metal exposures we are inhaling from pest control spraying and chemical outgassing from carpeting, furniture and furnishings in our homes and office building indoor air environments! In city areas the outdoor air is contaminated with heavy metals from factory product manufacturing and in the country the air is contaminated due to pesticide and glyphosate herbicide crop spraying. Breathing toxic wildfire smoke both outdoors and in indoor air environments is also a huge source of heavy metal contamination! Can you now see how widespread this toxic problem is?
How To Detox And Remove The Toxic Heavy Metals From Our Bodies
Many people do not realize that the liver and kidneys in our bodies cannot properly filter and remove enough of these toxins coming in to keep us healthy! Toxic heavy metals must be detoxed and removed with the help of an outside source which is IV therapy with a sometimes toxic pharmaceutical chelation chemical called EDTA that requires kidney function blood work test monitoring or by oral chelation therapy that is the much safer choice! The two oral heavy metal detox methods are derived from plants or natural clinoptilolite zeolite minerals. Plant type detox products include Cilantro, Spirulina, Chlorella and Apple Pectin.
All of these plant derived detox products do break heavy metals loose from the body’s organs and blood. However plant based detox products all share the same problem! The problem with all plant based detox products is after the heavy metals break free from the where they are being stored in the body a good amount of the heavy metal toxins fail to make it all the way out through the urine and feces and they are quickly re-absorbed back into the body. When this occurs the people doing the plant types of detox often feel ill with stomach discomfort, flu like symptoms, headaches and other problems. Doctors call these problems a healing crisis or a Herxheimer reaction. I call it re-contaminating your body all at once!
Why Zeolite Pure Is The Safest And Best Natural Heavy Metal Detox
The absolute best way to orally detox to remove heavy metal toxins from the body is with the natural and safe mineral called clinoptilolite zeolite. Zeolite minerals are formed when volcanic lava is mixed with salt water. Zeolite is most often mined from under the ground. The best heavy metal detox product is called Zeolite Pure!
This because after it is mined out of the earth it is then crushed into a powder and then micronized further between 0-40 microns of size. This will allow Zeolite Pure to detox the entire body through both the blood, organs and gut where you immune systems is located. Zeolite Pure Clinoptilolite zeolite has the amazing ability to attract only heavy metals into its honeycomb cage like structure!
None of the good minerals we need in our bodies are removed by Zeolite Pure!! Only the heavy metals are attracted and held into the cages of Zeolite Pure like a magnet and they are carried all the way out of the body without allowing the body to reabsorb any of the heavy metal toxins to cause the person doing the detox to feel sick like plant based detox products do. It is for these reasons people that detox with Zeolite Pure do not experience any side effects or feel ill when detoxing.
Another advantage of Zeolite pure is that it also has the natural ability to balance the body’s pH! If your body is too acidic which is often the case for many people our Zeolite Pure will balance the body to be more alkaline. An alkaline body has been proven to be less prone to disease.
Only Zeolite Pure 100 percent pure micronized zeolite does the full and proper job to remove the built up toxic heavy metals from the body! After this detox is completed the body’s immune system can then boost up to become stronger to do its God given original job of going after and destroying bad mutated blood cells, viruses and bacteria in the body to keep you healthy!
Many women planning to become pregnant choose Zeolite Pure to detox with because it is proven to be the best natural heavy metal detox product on the market with over 25 years of success to back it up! It makes sense that a woman with healthy body has a better chance of producing a healthy baby!
Don’t Be Fooled By Liquid Zeolite Products That Do Not Work To Detox As Advertised
Whenever a cutting-edge product comes on the market that really works that people love and benefit from, less effective knock off products are sure to follow! Liquid zeolite products are the ones I will now expose and discuss. First of all it is important to know that all natural zeolites are volcanic minerals and they are not water soluble! Zeolites of all kinds including Clinoptilolite simply do not dissolve in water
There are about a dozen liquid zeolite products being advertised online with all sorts of far fetched claims! All of these so called liquid zeolite products come in small one ounce or less spray bottles or eyedropper type squeeze bottles that contain extremely small trace amounts of powdered zeolite that is suspended in water!
Even though liquid zeolite products are almost worthless, people are attracted to the concept of liquid zeolite because of the convenience of squeezing 3-10 drops of liquid into a glass of water. The physiological benefits of using a liquid zeolite product has been alive and well even though the actual heavy metal detox ability and benefit is almost non existent!
For More Information On Zeolite Pure And Related Products With The Lowest Factory Direct Prices (Often With Free Shipping) See The Website At https://zeolite.com or Call The Office Direct At 561-629-5618