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Liquid Zeolite Products Vs Zeolite Pure Micronized Zeolite Powder

Liquid Zeolite Versus Zeolite Powder. Here Are The True Facts!

by Barry Cohen | Oct 1, 2021, | Liquid Zeolite Vs Zeolite Micronized Powder Detox

Liquid Zeolite Versus Powdered Zeolite

This report about liquid zeolite being sold by MLM marketing companies Vs micronized powdered zeolite will explain the true facts! It explains in detail why micronized zeolite in powdered form is absolutely the best way to detox the body. It also shows how to safely remove the disease-causing heavy metal toxins while exposing the liquid zeolite scam!

Zeolite is a 100 percent natural volcanic mineral called Clinoptilolite. When it is taken and ingested in a micronized powdered form, zeolite is proven to be a safe detox! It removes the toxic heavy metals out of the body better than any other type of detox product. This includes the removal of toxic heavy metal radioactive Isotopes from CAT scan and MRI contrasts.

The body’s liver and kidneys cannot properly remove heavy metals and radioactive Isotopes from the body. After the immune system is compromised chronic health problems and disease set in that can greatly damage the body. And our lives!

Heavy metal exposures include accumulative radioactive isotopes! These toxins continue to build up in the body throughout our lives to eventually suppress the body’s immune system! When this happens it will then prevent the immune system from doing its job of seeking out and destroying bad cells, viruses, bacteria and mold spores!

Why You Should Stay Away From MLM Multi Level Marketing Companies Making Outrageous Liquid Zeolite Claims!

In recent years MLM multi-level marketing companies and others caught onto how important detoxing with zeolite is. They learned that after removing the heavy metals out of the body the immune can then system grow stronger! It’s a fact that a strong immune system is much more capable to fight off, viruses, sickness, and disease!

The big problem is that MLM multi-level marketing companies are all looking for attractive short cuts! This is to entice customer sales while deceiving the public so they can make a huge amount of money. Their focus is not on product quality! They search for the lowest possible shipping and product costs for an easy sell to as many people as possible!

The get rich quick MLM zeolite companies came up with the scam idea to create so-called liquid zeolite products! MLM’s make their products look attractive to potential buyers by twisting and bending the truth in their advertising! The deceptive concept that it’s easier to just take a liquid form of zeolite is pushed to the public! They sell these highly diluted liquid zeolite products in tiny squeeze bottles of mostly water and a pinch of zeolite!

Exactly Why Liquid Zeolite Products Are A Scam!

The answer to this fact is easy! Zeolite is a natural volcanic mineral that is mostly mined from under the ground. It is extracted and crushed into a powder form. The important fact to know about ALL zeolite is that it is not water soluble! In other words— ZEOLITE DOES NOT DISSOLVE IN WATER OR IN ANY OTHER DRINKABLE LIQUID!

I will explain this liquid zeolite scam in more detail! The fact is that all liquid zeolite products contain just trace amounts of zeolite powder! It is then mixed into a water based liquid suspension! You are actually getting an expensive eyedropper size squeeze bottle of almost all water with almost no zeolite!

Read And Compare The Ingredient Dosage And Labels

PLEASE USE YOUR COMMON SENSE! Read the ingredient labels on any liquid zeolite product and on Zeolite Pure micronized powdered zeolite. Pay attention to the amount of Clinoptilolite zeolite there is in the dosage of each product!

When you do this, you will first discover that any and all liquid zeolite products contains two ingredients! They are (Clinoptilolite Zeolite And Water)

Look at the Zeolite Pure micronized powder ingredients you will see only one thing! It is (100 Percent Pure Micronized Clinoptilolite Zeolite) Nothing else!

Compare the per dosage amount of Clinoptilolite zeolite in each product! You will then discover that the per dosage amount of actual zeolite in Zeolite Pure micronized powder is many, many times greater than in any liquid zeolite product!

Because of this fact it is our opinion that there is not nearly enough zeolite in any liquid zeolite product to do a proper heavy metal detox! Especially compared to the ALL ZEOLITE (Made In The USA) Zeolite Pure micronized powder heavy metal detox supplement.

Documented Litigation Losses Of A Large MLM Liquid Zeolite Company

This information has been backed up with third party certified independent laboratory testing to expose the liquid zeolite scam!

One large (MLM) Multi-Level Marketing company called Waiora that manufacturers a liquid zeolite product called NCD has been successfully sued! They were (Litigated) by their own dealers for fraud after a handful of Waiora dealers did their own 3rd party independent lab testing! They discovered that the high-priced products they had been selling to people were loaded with false claims! This is because the tests proved that NCD ONLY CONTAINED TRACE AMOUNTS OF ACTUAL ZEOLITE! AND IT WAS SOLD IN EXPENSIVE SMALL APROXX ONE OUNCE EYE DROPPER TYPE SQUEEZE BOTTLES OF MOSTLY WATER!

Nano liquid zeolite products is one of the newest scams going! The reason is simple! Zeolite nano sized particles would be far smaller than the heavy metal particles they need to remove. Therefore nano-sized zeolite particles could not hold onto and carry the much larger and heavier toxic heavy metals! They would be unable to transport them through and out of the body! It would be like trying to move an elephant down the road in a tiny matchbox car! It Simply Can’t Work!

Liquid Zeolite Brands And Products On The Market Mostly MLM Companies With Outrageous Claims Now Include:

Ultra Liquid Zeolite With DHQ, hcf detox, Advanced TRS, ACZ Nano Extra Strength Advanced Cellular Zeolite, Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Zeolite, ZOI liquid zeolite, Vitality Detox Drops, Vitality Soluble Zeolite Solution, Zeolite Raw Body Boost, CytoDetox, NCD2, hydrolyzed Zeolite and others.

The outrageous false health claims from liquid zeolite companies go much farther than just detoxing the body of heavy metals. We suggest that you do your diligent research before spending your hard-earned money on these liquid zeolite products! And please, please use your common sense.

Especially since you now know that zeolite does not dissolve in water or drinkable liquids! NOTE: It would take concentrated (HINT) Phosphoric Acid, Nitric Acid or Hydrochloric Acid to dissolve zeolite into a liquid state! This result would destroy the important cages in the zeolite that the heavy metals attach to before being carried out of the body!

How Zeolite Pure Micronized Powdered Zeolite Is Made Ready For Detoxing

Zeolite Pure has been on the market as the proven top natural heavy metal detox supplement for over 25 years! It is important to know that many scientific studies on zeolite done with university research grants were by NIH. This is The National Institute of Health and they proved its abilities and success as a heavy metal detox! These studies were done with zeolite micronized powder!

Zeolite Pure consists of 100 percent natural clinoptilolite zeolite in micronized powder form. It has an exceptionally high average purity of 94 percent straight out of the mine!

The powdered zeolite in Zeolite Pure it is then put through an additional micronizing process to further reduce Its size! This process allows the zeolite Pure to maintain the integrity its cage structures at between 0-40 microns of size.

How Zeolite Pure Works To Detox The Body

This important next level of micronizing the powdered zeolite greatly increases absorption into the body! It also allows the Zeolite Pure to be able to safely detox the body through both the blood that is flowing through the body’s organs! The larger microns of Zeolite Pure goes into and throughout the gut! This is where the body’s immune system is located The larger microns of Zeolite Pure stay in the gut longer to remove a large amount of harmful toxic heavy metals in that area!

The high grade clinoptilolite zeolite in Zeolite Pure has a cage like honeycomb structure that is naturally ionized with a negative charge.The toxic heavy metals in the body have a natural positive ionic charge.

This gives Zeolite Pure the unique ability TO ONLY ATTRACT THE POSITIVE CHARGED HEAVY METALS LIKE A MAGNET INTO THE CAGES OF THE ZEOLITE! The heavy metals attach and are held into the cages of the zeolite without releasing anything out to be reabsorbed back into the body before it leaves the body out through the urine and stools

This is why people do not feel sick when detoxing with Zeolite Pure! It is important to know that no healthy minerals are removed from the body!

Zeolite Pure is easy to take and it has no taste! Just mix the correct amount of micronized powder into a glass of water, juice or into a smoothie and drink it down

Once the toxic heavy metals are removed from the body by the Zeolite Pure the immune system can now increase to grow stronger! This is so it can do its important job of destroying bad blood cells viruses and bacteria and mold spores! These are the foreign contaminants that attack the body to cause sickness and disease!

Heavy Metal Toxins That Zeolite Pure Removes Include

Here Is The List—- Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Barium, Glyphosate in Roundup Weed Killer / Arsenic, Gadolinium, Cesium, Strontium, Uranium And Others!

BONUS! pH Balanced Bodies That Are More On The Alkaline Side Are Often Healthier

A huge bonus over and above detoxing the heavy metals out of the body is that Zeolite Pure also has another unique added ability! Its to balance the pH of the body to make it more alkaline if it is too acidic! It’s a fact that most people’s bodies are these days due to poor eating habits and medications!

It is a proven fact that people with more alkaline balanced bodies are far less prone to chronic health problems and disease!

For more information on detoxing with Zeolite Pure and our other zeolite supplements ALWAYS shipped to you fresh from the factory at the lowest possible prices often with free shipping, call the direct phone number at 1-561-629-5618 or see the website at

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