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IV Chelation Therapy Versus 100% Natural Zeolite Pure Micronized Powder For Detoxing And Removing Toxic Heavy Metals Out Of The Body

IV Chelation Therapy Vs Zeolite Pure Heavy Metal Detox! This article will explain the drastic differences when detoxing to remove toxic heavy metals out of the body! Learn the difference between doctor administered intravenous IV chelation therapy with the chemical called EDTA and 100% natural Zeolite Pure! Zeolite Pure is a micronized powder that can be easily taken when mixed in water, juice or in a smoothie for detoxing the full body! Zeolite Pure removes toxic heavy metals that are proven to be a cause of damage to internal organs and to the immune system. We will first start with explaining IV chelation therapy with EDTA.

IV Chelation Therapy With The Chemical EDTA

EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is a IV chelation chemical! It is dripped into the body by a medical doctor to bind heavy metals into these chemicals. It then pulls them out of the body where they finally exit out through the urine and stool.

This chemical does a good job of binding to the heavy metal toxin that is targeted for removal. However EDTA is not able to properly remove a broad spectrum of toxic heavy metals all at the same time. Most people do IV chelation to target the removal of lead, mercury or arsenic depending of the source of poisoning.

Another problem with EDTA is if its not dosed properly this chemical can cause a number of dangerous side effects! EDTA side effects include fevers, headaches, nausea. anemia, seizures, brain damage, kidney damage, liver damage and severe allergic reactions! Any one of these negative reactions can cause anaphylactic shock and dangerous organ failures.

Because of the danger to experience these side effects blood work testing must be done to check organ functions! This blood work testing must be done often! In fact they must continue during the entire time that the IV chelation heavy metal detoxes are being done.

Why Zeolite Pure Heavy Metal Detox Is Superior And Safer Compared To IV Chelation Therapy

Zeolite Pure is now over 25 years proven to be the best and most safe heavy metal detox product worldwide! Zeolite Pure is made from a 100% natural volcanic mineral called Clinoptilolite zeolite. It is extracted from an underground mine and then crushed into a powder. The zeolite powder is then sent out to a specialty company to have it micronized to be even smaller! The Zeolite Pure micronized powder is specifically made to be between 0-40 microns of size.

This allows the Zeolite Pure to travel within the bloodstream and throughout the entire body! The Zeolite Pure can then detox and remove the toxic heavy metals that have accumulated in the organs! It also travels into the gut to thoroughly detox the area where the immune system is located!

After the health robbing heavy metal toxins are removed, the immune system and the entire body can then boost up to become stronger! This will allow the immune system to fight off many causes of future health problems while providing a healthier lifespan!

The Secret Of Zeolite Pure Heavy Metal Detox Explained

Zeolite Pure has a honeycomb cage like structure that actually produces its own natural negative ionic charge. This attracts and binds the positively charged heavy metal toxins into the cages of the Zeolite Pure extremely well! In fact the heavy metal toxins attach to the Zeolite Pure’s cages like a magnet where they are held tightly in place!

The Zeolite Pure with attached heavy metals then travel throughout the entire body. During this trip it removes a broad spectrum of additional toxic heavy metals! The Zeolite Pure and the toxic heavy metals finally exit all the way out of the body together. They are excreted through the urine and stools without any reabsorption back into the body! It is for this reason that people detoxing with Zeolite Pure do not experience any side effects or health problems!

Many Doctors Refer Their Patients To Purchase Zeolite Pure For A Needed Full Body Heavy Metal Detox

Many naturopathic doctors and health professionals now recommend Zeolite Pure over IV chelation therapy to their patients! This is because they know that Zeolite Pure is safe, effective and the best full body heavy metal detox choice! Also the cost factor is far less money when detoxing with Zeolite Pure compared to IV chelation therapy!

For More Information On Zeolite Pure See The Website At or Call The Office Direct At 561-629-5618 

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