Many people feel that we have not been this close to World War 3 since the Cuban missile crisis! This happened on on Oct 16 to Oct 29th 1962. It is a fact that many people now feel that a nuclear war could be right on our doorstep! If it happens it will be triggered by the next aggressive action by any one of the world powers! This is why the public needs to know what the best radiation detox is!
This will be due to the fact that they have been pushing each others tolerance limits for years! Unfortunately it’s getting worse! The questions are, if a nuclear event does occur, what is the best radiation detox product to help survive it? Will this be a limited survivable nuclear weapons exchange that will only kill people around ground zero targeted areas? Will it be a full on nuclear war that will destroy close to or all life on planet earth?
We can only hope that a nuclear conflict never happens! If it does occur will the people pushing the launch buttons quickly stop the attacks after seeing the horror? This is because even a small limited nuclear exchange will create to still kill an amazing amount of people.
Really Learn About The Damage A Nuclear Weapon Can Cause To Life And Property
Any nuclear attack will also destroy a huge amount of infrastructure. We feel that all the people that control nuclear weapons should watch actual nuclear destruction videos! Even if it’s of far outdated and much weaker atom bombs destruction! They could be of the targeted cities and to the people of Japan which ended World War 2. Then they should see a nuclear warhead destruction chart!
This way they can see what just one modern nuclear blast can do to create thousands of times the damage. Then they can understand the loss of life compared to just one of those early technology atom bombs!
These Are The Two (Must Have Ready) Radiation Detox Products! They Are For The Prevention Of Thyroid Cancer And To Remove Toxic Heavy Metal Radioactive Isotopes From The Body. They Will Help Prevent Possible Future Cancer And Disease Due To A World War Three Nuclear Event
This Information Is Extremely Important To Read And Learn From!
These 2 products are for all people that have the desire to be able to survive a limited nuclear exchange! If this happens it will expose them to heavy metal nuclear isotopes and radiation poisoning! It is extremely important to prepare properly and well in advance. This so you can be ready at the drop of a dime for such an event to detox nuclear radiation!
Product #1 Is For The Short Term Benefits Of Potassium Iodide
Knowledgeable preppers and uninformed people both need to know how to prepare for a nuclear radioactive event. They need to be educated to the one benefit that potassium iodide provides! This benefit is to protect the thyroid gland from cancer during a radioactive event.
The danger is when the body is exposed to radioactive iodine! Potassium iodide is a very important must have product keep in stock to have ready to protect the thyroid gland! This is because the thyroid gland will easily be infected with cancer if the body is exposed to nuclear radiation! However potassium iodide can only protect the thyroid gland for a very short period of time.
Also Potassium iodide does not protect the rest of the body at all! Its benefits are also greatly reduced if there is long term exposures to radiation. It is very important to not overdose the body with potassium iodide because its dangerous when taking to much! It’s also dangerous when extending dosing for a longer time per its product instructions! If this occurs it can make people very sick!
The Government Needs To Re Educate The People That Potassium Iodide And Zeolite Are Better For Radiation Exposures When Both Products Are Used!
Because of the push by Government agencies and the pharmaceutical drug industry to only educate the public to the important but limited benefits of potassium iodide most people in the general public fail to learn that there is an additional detox product that is also extremely important to have in your preparedness stock and ready to take for exposures to nuclear radioactive isotopes.
When a nuclear event occurs radiation will enter into the body from the air we breathe into our lungs to then work its way into the bodies blood stream and organs. Radioactive isotopes can also be brought into our bodies gastrointestinal tract after a nuclear event occurs from the food we eat, the water we drink and from ingesting and breathing in radioactive dust and debris.
Product #2 Is About The Lasting Benefits Of Zeolite Pure For Radiation Exposures
The second extremely important product to be aware of and to have ready for radiation poisoning if a nuclear event occurs is made from a volcanic mineral called Clinoptilolite which is a type of zeolite that is used as a detox that safely targets and removes toxic heavy metals out of the body that includes radioactive isotopes that are also classified as heavy metals. This includes cesium 137, strontium 90 and others. The absolute best heavy metal detox product on the market worldwide that also removes heavy metal radioactive isotopes is over 25 years proven Zeolite Pure.
How Zeolite Pure Is Made Ready For Detoxing
Zeolite Pure is mined from deep under the ground! It is a high grade 100% natural volcanic mineral called Clinoptilolite zeolite. After the zeolite is extracted from the earth it is then crushed into a powder. The next step for the zeolite powder is to put it through an additional size reduction process called micronizing. This process reduces the size of the Zeolite Pure even smaller.
How Zeolite Pure Removes Heavy Metal Radioactive Isotopes Out Of The Body
The size of the zeolite powder is reduced to be between 0-40 microns of size. This to allow it to travel throughout the bloodstream and into the bodies organs and gut area! This is where the immune system is located to detox and remove the heavy metal radioactive isotopes from this area. Zeolite Pure has a cage like honeycomb structure that has a natural negative charge that actually pulls the positive charged heavy metals that includes radioactive isotopes into the cages of the Zeolite Pure where it is held tightly into place like a magnet.
The Zeolite Pure with the attached heavy metal radioactive isotopes will then travel throughout the body and into the organs. During this trip it continues to collect additional heavy metals that include the radioactive isotopes into its cages! The Zeolite Pure together with the heavy metal radioactive isotopes will then finally exit the body through the urine and stools. This is why Zeolite Pure is the absolute best radiation detox!
Zeolite Pure will not allow any of the contaminants to reabsorb back into the body before exiting. Since there is no reabsorption back into the body while doing this detox people do not suffer from any side effects or illness as is often the case with other detox products!
Zeolite Pure is (MADE IN THE USA), it has no taste and it is very easy to take! Just mix the correct amount of Zeolite Pure micronized powder into water, juice or into a smoothie and drink it down! Zeolite Pure can also be mixed into any food for children! Its a snap to mix into applesauce or pudding to get it easily into children’s body!
The History Of Zeolite Being Successfully Used To Detox And Remove Radiation During Nuclear Disasters
Clinoptilolite Zeolite was first publicly documented to do an incredible job to remove the radioactive cesium 137 and strontium 90 isotopes. These radioactive isotopes were removed from both humans and animals throughout and after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster!
Many people throughout Japan and worldwide have used our Zeolite Pure for radiation poisoning to detox their bodies! During the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster in 2011 huge amounts of zeolite were used to detox humans and animals. Thousands of tons of zeolite were used in plastic net-bags to decontaminate amounts of radioactive seawater! This decontamination was done in the coastal waters around Fukushima to protect the fish and other sea life!
If You Are A Smart Prepper, A Concerned Party, Government Or Private Agency That Has The Desire To Be Highly Prepared For A Nuclear Event It Is Smart Move And Extremely Important To Stock Up On Both Potassium Iodide And Zeolite Pure! Protect Your Family, Friends And Employees With Zeolite Pure! Have The Best Chance To Survive And Stay Healthy As Possible If A Nuclear Event Of Any Kind Occurs!
For More Information Or To Purchase Zeolite Pure Heavy Metal Detox See The Website At Feel Free To Call The Office Direct Line At 1-561-629-5618