Detoxing the body of toxic heavy metals is urgently important as we get older! This is because we become overloaded with toxic heavy metals due to repetitive exposures at home or at the workplace These heavy metal toxins will attack the bodies organs and the connected immune system!
This in turn will compromise the immune systems ability to protect the body from bad deformed cells, viruses and bacteria! The lack of natural immunity will slowly open the floodgate to sickness and disease!
Do The Math! It’s Easy To Figure Out Why We Get Sick More Often As We Grow Older
The older we get the higher the amount of toxic heavy metals will be able to accumulate in our bodies to compromise and lower the immune system. This is a good reason why older people are the ones with the most health problems.
It’s also why they have such a hard time fighting different health problems to stay healthy! Detoxing the body to remove the heavy metal toxins is a good way to stay healthy and extend our lives!
However There Is An Exception To The Age Math!
The exception is due to overly high environmental exposures to toxic heavy metals in the workplace and at home! People working in factories and the trades that include painters, pest control, car repair ect… have high heavy metal exposures!
Farmers are routinely working with pesticides and herbicides AKA (Roundup Glyphosate) are constantly being exposed to toxic heavy metals! It’s the same for firemen that are being exposed to heavy metal toxins embedded in burning material and wildfire smoke.
Toxic Heavy Metals Exposures At Home
People are often overloaded with toxic heavy metals right at home due to the spraying of pesticides! This happens in and outside of the home! Other exposures are due to the application of the herbicide glyphosate (Roundup) to kill weeds and invasive plants.
Additional exposures are due to toxic building materials that include paints, solvents and cleaning chemicals. Anyone can have a body that has a weakened immune system that has been damaged by toxic heavy metals!
ZEOLITE PURE Is 100% natural and has detoxed the toxic heavy metals from thousands of people for over 25 years! Zeolite Pure is a micronized powder (At 0-40 Microns Of Size) that is made out of a volcanic mineral.
This mineral is called Clinoptilolite and it has a natural negative ionic charged cage like structure. When the positive charged heavy metals contact the cages of the Zeolite Pure they are sucked into them! They are then held tightly into the cages to bind like a magnet!
After the heavy metals are captured by the Zeolite Pure the travel together all the way through the body. They do this by way of the bloodstream into the organs and into the gut! This is where the immune system is located that needs to be detoxed!
The Zeolite Pure with attached heavy metals are then carried out of the body through the stools and urine. Zeolite Pure is well proven to provide the best full body heavy metal detox with no ill side effects.
NOTE: It is important to drink plenty of extra water while doing the Zeolite Pure heavy metal detox! This is the same for all detox protocols to keep the toxins moving out of the body.
Why Zeolite Pure Is Far Better Compared To Plant Based Detoxes And All Scam Liquid Zeolite Products
Zeolite Pure is superior compared to all plant heavy metal detox types! This includes Chlorella, Spirulina, Cilantro Pectin and other plants and herbs. Plant based detox products can brake loose heavy metals in the body. However plant based detox products do not bind well with the heavy metals.
In turn this allows a good portion of the toxic heavy metals to be reabsorbed back into the body. This reabsorption happens all at once and it often cause negative side effects to the person doing the detox! This is also the reason that many people give up and quit halfway through plant based detoxes!
Zeolite Pure micronized powder is also far superior compared to the so called liquid zeolite (scam) products on the market! This is because zeolite is a volcanic mineral that is not water soluble! In Other Words Zeolite Is A Mineral That Does Not Dissolve In Water. The fact is, all liquid zeolite products consist of a tiny amount of zeolite powder! This powder is then mixed into a very small diluted squeeze or spray bottle of almost all water!
The liquid zeolite products on the market are mostly sold by MLM multi level marketing companies! These companies have the main goal of making as much money as possible! They do this by making far reaching health claims that are loaded with lies during their liquid zeolite sales pitch!
Zeolite Pure Is 100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite In Micronized Powder Form That Is Not Diluted In Any Way!
It’s Simple And Easy To Take Zeolite Pure Heavy Metal Detox Into The Body
To take Zeolite Pure just mix the proper amount of micronized powder into water, juice or into a smoothie and drink it down! Zeolite is easy to take because it has no taste! For finicky children you can also add it into applesauce, pudding or gravy. When detoxing your pet, dogs. cats and even horses, Zeolite Pure can also be mixed into their food!
For More Information On Zeolite Pure 100% Natural Heavy Metal Detox See The Website At https://zeolite.com/zeolite-pure or Call The Office Direct At 561-629-5618