The best detox for 2024 and now into 2025 is over 25 years proven 100% safe and natural Zeolite Pure! It’s far superior compared to the hit or miss heavy metal detox products such as cilantro, spirulina, pectin and chlorella. Many plant based detox products only target certain areas of the body.
Zeolite Pure is the best detox ! This is because it removes lifelong accumulative toxic heavy metals out of the entire body! These toxins can cause damage to compromise your immune system that regulates the organ functions throughout the entire body.
This Is How Zeolite Pure Works To Detox And Safely Remove Years Of Accumulative Toxic Heavy Metals Out Of The Body
Zeolite Pure micronized powder has a structure with cages with a natural negative ionic charge. It is important to know that all toxic heavy metals have a positive ionic charge! The micronized Zeolite Pure travels throughout the body through the bloodstream to detox the body’s organs and immune system.
The positive charged toxic heavy metals are attracted to and actually pulled directly into the cages of the Zeolite Pure! It’s like a heavy metal magnet!
The toxic heavy metals bind to and are held firmly into the Zeolite Pure’s cages! They finally both safely exit out of the body together in the urine and stools.
The Body’s Immune System And Related Organ Functions Can Now Boost Up And Strengthen When Detoxing With Zeolite Pure
As the damaging toxins are being removed with Zeolite Pure heavy metal detox, the immune system can then boost up! It will then strengthen to a much higher level! Then the immune system can do its original job of properly operating the organ functions in the body!
A strong immune system also includes the ability to destroy opportunistic deformed blood cells, bacteria and viruses! These invaders cause sickness and disease as well as the out of control overgrowth of yeast!
This can cause painful candida and thrush yeast infections when the immune system is damaged. When the immune system regains its strength Candida is often able to reverse! It can then heal and not return as long as the immune system stays strong!
Please Contact Us By Phone For Zeolite Pure Dosing Information!
Zeolite Pure Also Helps To Balance The pH Of The Body
Zeolite Pure heavy metal detox is produced from the volcanic mineral called Clinoptilolite that on top of safely removing toxic heavy metals out of the body it also has a natural alkalinity with the ability to actually balance the proper pH range of the body to become more alkaline!
It is a long known proven fact from many studies that alkaline bodies are less prone to sickness and disease compared to bodies that are acidic!
Many people continue to take Zeolite Pure at a smaller maintenance dose after doing the main detox to prevent future toxic heavy metals from accumulating back into the body while also receiving the continued benefit of enjoying a more alkaline balanced body!
Zeolite Pure Is Easy To Take Into The Body
Zeolite Pure has no taste and its easy to take! Just mix (Stir In) the proper amount of the micronized powder into a glass of water, juice or into your favorite smoothie and drink it down.
For More Information On Zeolite Pure Or To Make A Purchase See The Website At https://zeolite.com/zeolite-pure . Or Call Direct At 561-629-5618