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The Older We Get The More Important It Is To Do A Heavy Metal Detox With Zeolite Pure

The older we become the higher the concentration of toxic heavy metals will be in our bodies to affect and reduce our immune system in many ways that can cause chronic health problems that include life threatening diseases. Important Note: Depending on the type and amount of heavy metal exposure, younger people that include children that […]

Use Zeolite Pure To Detox Heavy Metals From Hazardous Waste And Other Exposures

Many jobs and various everyday environments expose people to toxic heavy metals in hazardous waste! They include working as a fireman, trash removal, in manufacturing, hospitals, research laboratories, doctor, offices, dentist offices, farmers, construction cleaning, painting, pest  control, mining operations, abatement and many more!  Also people that live near factories or farmland that spray or […]

Zeolite Pure Detoxes The Body Of Toxic Heavy Metals In Wildfire Smoke

Attention To All People Suffering From The Toxic LA (Los Angels) California Wildfire Smoke The smoke now coming from the LA (los angeles) CA. wildfires and other areas around the country include imbedded toxic heavy metals that include lead, cadmium, chromium, nickel, mercury and arsenic that are all posions that will greatly harm your health! […]