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The Best Heavy Metal Detox For Pesticide Poisoning And Toxic Herbicide Exposures

For the best heavy metal detox It is extremely important to know that pesticides and herbicides contain toxic heavy metals! Heavy metal toxins are accumulative in our bodies throughout our entire lives!

This is because our bodies filtration system which consists of the liver and kidneys are unable to do a good job! They just can’t do the important task of removing toxic heavy metals out of the body. Proper heavy metal detoxing must be done from an outside source!

 How The Toxic Heavy Metals In Pesticides And Herbicides Contaminate The Body

Toxic heavy metals enter in and are absorbed into the body from pesticide and herbicide exposures! This comes from inhaling them as liquids, vapors or dust when they are being applied to kill pests. This contamination of our bodies occurs inside and outside of our homes.

It often happens when spraying herbicides on our yards and gardens to destroy weeds and invasive plants. Common heavy metal toxins include Cadmium, Lead, Copper, Zinc, Arsenic and Mercury. Toxic heavy metals also enter into our bodies by way of absorption through our skin.

Direct contact occurs during house cleaning, vacuuming and while handling liquid pesticides and herbicides! Also commonly used paints and solvents contain heavy amounts of heavy metals.

Since Toxic Heavy Metals are accumulative in the body it is very important to do a proper detox to safely remove them! This is because in time these toxins can and often will cause multiple types of illness! This is due to the damage they can cause to the body’s immune system and organs.


The Detox To Remove Heavy Metal Pesticide Poisoning and Toxic Herbicide Exposures Is 100% Natural Zeolite Pure Micronized Powder

Zeolite Pure is made from a volcanic mineral called Clinoptilolite zeolite that is first crushed into a powder. It is then further micronized into a much finer powder to specifically be between 0-40 microns of size. This enables the Zeolite Pure to enter in and detox the body to remove the toxic heavy metals! The Zeolite Pure accesses all through the bloodstream and into the body’s organs.

After mixing the Zeolite Pure is taken into the body after mixing it into water or your favorite drink, it first enters into the gut! This is where the immune system is located to detox and safely remove the heavy metal toxins in this very important area.

Exactly How Zeolite Pure Does This Important Detox

Zeolite Pure has a cage like honeycomb structure with a natural negative charge! This actually attracts the positive charged toxic heavy metals into its cages where they are held tightly into place! This acts just like a magnet as the Zeolite Pure is traveling throughout the body! The Zeolite Pure with attached toxic heavy metals are finally safely carried out of the body through the stool and urine. There are no dangerous side effects or ill feelings when detoxing with Zeolite Pure!

NOTE: It is important to drink plenty of water while detoxing the body of toxic heavy metals due to pesticide and herbicide poisoning. Drinking plenty of clean water is always important when detoxing with Zeolite Pure or hen doing any other detox! This is to keep the toxins flushing out of the body.

Zeolite Pure is far superior to all others for safely removing the toxic heavy metals due to pesticide and herbicide poisoning!

Other Types Of Heavy Metal Detoxes That Are Often Inferior Compared To 100% Natural Zeolite Pure

Plant based detox products do not bind well to carry these toxins all the way out of the body. This allows the body to reabsorb a good amount of the heavy metal toxins back into the body! This happens before they can exit all the way out of the body.

This reabsorption causes what is called a Herxheimer reaction that can make people to feel ill while they are detoxing! Plant based detox products include Spirulina, Chlorella, Apple Pectin, Cilantro and others. Zeolite Pure Does Not Have This Reabsorption Problem!

Another method of detoxing to remove heavy metal toxins out of the body is by doing IV chelation therapy! EDTA and other chemicals are infused by IV into the body! These chemicals bind to targeted heavy metals to then remove them from the body through the urine and stools!

IV chelation therapy is time consuming and very expensive! If the chelation chemicals being used are not dosed properly they can cause damage due to organ failure!

It is for this reason that blood work must be done during the entire treatment to check for organ function damage! This is often used as an emergency detox for large scale heavy metal poisonings!

Zeolite Pure Also Helps To Provide A Healthy pH In Your Body!

ZEOLITE PURE ADDITIONAL BONUS—- Zeolite Pure also has the additional ability to balance the pH of the body. If the body is too acidic, Zeolite Pure will help to balance out the pH of the body to be more alkaline! It is well documented that a body that is balanced more on the alkaline side is often healthier than an acidic body.

NOTE—If you feel sick due to a recent or major direct pesticide or herbicide poisoning get to an emergency room! This is because you will need emergency life saving treatment right away. If a poisoning occurs removing the heavy metal toxins is important and it should be done! However detoxing with Zeolite Pure can be done after emergency treatment has been completed and you are on the mend.

For More Information On Zeolite Pure To Do This Detox Or To Make A Purchase See The Website At Or Call The Office Direct At 561-629-5618

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