Give The Gift Of Health For Christmas Or Hanukkah This Year!
Zeolite Pure is is the absolute best 100% natural detox product to target and remove lifelong accumulative toxic heavy metals out of the body with no reactions or side effects! No good minerals are removed, only toxic heavy metals that can damage the bodies organs and immune system are safely removed! Many naturopathic doctors and health professionals refer their patients to do a full body detox with Zeolite Pure!
Zeolite Pure is made from a powdered natural volcanic mineral called Clinoptilolite that has a cage like honeycomb like structure with a natural negative ionic charge. After extracting the zeolite from the mine it is then crushed into a powder. The next step is to send the zeolite to a company that further reduces the size of the powder by micronizing it to be between 0-40 microns of size that will then allow the now micronized zeolite to travel through the bodies blood stream, into the organs and the gut where the immune system is located.
It is important to know that all toxic heavy metals have a positive ionic charge! The toxic heavy metals are actually attracted into the negative charged cages of the Zeolite Pure like a magnet where they are held firmly in place as the Zeolite Pure with attached toxic heavy metals continues to travel throughout the body while picking up additional heavy metal toxins before exiting all the way out of the stools and urine.
As the body is being detoxed by removing the heavy metals toxins with Zeolite Pure the strain of the immune system is being reduced and then removed. This in turn allows the immune system to boost up and strengthen to do its original job of destroying viruses, bad cells and bacteria while also regulating yeast (CANDIDA) overgrowth that often occurs due to a compromised, weakened immune system! A strong immune system will make a big difference in improving overall health and wellness for an extended higher quality of life!
Show The People You Care About Including Yourself That The Best Christmas Gift or Hanukkah Present You Can Give Is The Gift Of Health By Doing A Safe And Easy Heavy Metal Detox To Boost Up The Immune System And Restore A Higher Level Of Health With Zeolite Pure Micronized Powder!
For More Information On Zeolite Pure, The Best Heavy Metal Detox You Will Ever Find See The Website At https://zeolite.com/zeolite-pure or Call The Office At 561-629-5618!